Jan 21, 2010

oh brother

Facebook statuses are typically stupid & nothing to get annoyed about but this one irked me a bit.

My wish for 2010 is that people will understand that children with disabilities do not have a disease; children with disabilities are not looking for a cure but ACCEPTANCE........93% of people won't copy and paste this, WILL YOU be one of the 7% that does............... and make this your status for at least an hour and 12 minutes.

First off, some children with diseases ARE disabled, and some children with disabilities do suffer from diseases, so that statement is a bit broad.

"Children with disabilities are not looking for a cure?"

Anyone want to tell that to the people working their asses off to find help for these kids? Or the parents who are spending thousands of dollars to recover their children? I wouldn't want to be the one to do it. The children aren't looking for a cure! Who knew?

They are searching for acceptance? That's crazy! You mean to tell me that disabled people are like everyone else and want to be accepted?

The rest of the status speaks for itself, some stupid stats someone pulled out of their ass.

1 comment:

  1. Good grief. Just consider the source.

