Nov 15, 2010

flower remedies

I recently learned about something called "Bach Flower Remedies" and I'm considering trying it out with Alden. I've already read that there's no definitive evidence, it's all placebo effect, etc. so don't bother commenting to tell me that. I KNOW the GFCF diet has worked for us and there is no definitive evidence there either. I am going to run the Flower Remedies idea by my husband but I'm pretty sure he'll go along with it, he knows I research things thoroughly before deciding whether or not to try them. (e.g. not chelating)

I've researched the Bach Flower Remedies and I'm thinking the ones for impulsiveness and daydreaming could be beneficial. The plan would be to buy one kind first, wait to see if we see improvements and then experiment with other things if we like what we see. It could be a total waste of money, or it could help chill him out and maybe take the edge off his aggression. Either way I figure it's worth a shot, especially since his teacher keeps asking us if we have ever thought about medicating him. *eyeroll*

Nov 10, 2010


Things have been all over the place lately. Halloween is always a challenge what with the diet & all. Having to ask people repeatedly if they have any "fruity candy" "oh not that kind" gets tiring. Worse is the fact that we don't really give Alden food with artificial coloring and fruity candy is pretty much artificial coloring, flavoring, and sugar. Last week he got into trouble a lot. I suspect it was probably a reaction to the dye and since he ate loads of candy when normally he will have an (all natural sneaky vitamin) sucker a day.

Funnily enough he was absolutely great with trick or treating. We went to the zoo and a local gathering and he had a blast running around looking at the other kid's costumes. Speaking of costumes he was Lucky the Leprechaun from the Lucky Charms cereal. He chose it all by himself. I was really proud of him for choosing something unique. He was the only leprechaun we saw. I thought it was really cool he wasn't something generic like all the other 500 Spidermen we saw while we were out and about. He's definitely my kid about costumes.

Then this week was the time change which is always hard for everyone but autistic children are particularly rigid in their routine. Since it was technically 7 he knew it wasn't bedtime because of the clock and he wasn't having any going to bed early. We've come to a compromise of 7:30 and he gets to watch Pink Panther on Netflix before I turn it off around 8:15 and tell him to go to bed because he has to be on the bus EARLY. He gets ON the bus @ 6 but that's a rant for another time.

Wednesday mornings have become hellacious at the bus stop. He screams, tries to run away from me, and keeps telling me "I WANNA GO HOME!!! BEDTIME! I SLEEPY!" I tell him he can sleep on the bus (hell he's on there for an hour and a half) but he still gets mad. Today he swatted his bus aide. She apologized like she had done something wrong and it made me sad.

I really think the Wednesday Morning Syndrome is because he knows I have school that day and he wants me to be home instead of going to school. He doesn't miss me because right now my school hours are during his & I'm home in time to shower and start my homework before he gets off the bus.

So today started off with a screaming swatting kid and it's ended with us spinning in circles and having a dance party to Florence and the Machine. Some days are funny like that.