Jan 30, 2012

if it's not one thing....

Alden was out of school for two days the first week back after the holiday because he caught head lice from his best friend at school. Thankfully we nipped it in the bud and he didn't have it very long. Then Tuesday night he had a fever so I kept him out of school Wednesday and he was sick until Saturday. So he missed 5 days this month.

I finally got him well and sent him back to school today and around 10:30 this morning his teacher called and said he had an accident resulting in a head injury and that they would like us to come pick him up. She said he was skipping (I am guessing she means his little gallop stim because I've NEVER seen him skip) and that the carpet came up under his foot and he fell down hitting his head really hard on the wall on way down. The nurse was concerned because there wasn't a knot coming up but by the time Josh got him home there was a knot forming. He's been fine so far as I can tell all day. His eyes are normal and he hasn't been tired or pukey.

Serious head injuries signs & symptoms are pretty interesting. They say things like "if your child's speech becomes garbled or slurry", "if your child acts strangely", and "if your child has strange body movements", um, those are basically symptoms of autism too. So it's always kind of scary because while his speech is improving drastically sometimes he still struggles with making his words clear, and of course all the stimming could be the other two symptoms.

Anyway I am hoping he's okay. He said it still hurts but he keeps touching it so that certainly isn't helping anything.

If all goes well he'll be going back to school tomorrow and HOPEFULLY this week will be better. He has missed more days in January than are allowed for the entire 9 weeks but the school has been really good about it. Probably because the lice thing was kind of their fault and also the head injury. Anyway I just want things to get back to normal, we are both worn out.


  1. Hope the little guy starts to feel better soon.

    1. Thanks Patrick, me too. He's been through it this month!

  2. It'll make you and him stronger, always does.
