Aug 30, 2011

are you talkin to me?

I somehow forgot in all the Disney excitement to mention that Alden was chosen for a study! He will be using a Vantage Communication Device for a month as a trial to see how well he learns from it. The people from the center in charge of the study came by today to videotape him for the "before" and they were absolutely STUNNED at how well he did with it. I always tell people he's a computer nerd but they don't really believe me for some reason. Anyway it's a really cool touch screen device and I am going to the parent training seminar on Thursday to learn how to customize it specifically for him. I'm very pleased that he was selected and I'm even more pleased that he showed them how quickly he picks up on things related to electronics.

School starts back on Thursday and I am absolutely DREADING getting up that early to put him on the bus. We have NOT been getting back on schedule like we should be. Guess we'll have to start that tonight. I've written his teacher a note that we need an IEP ASAP because he mastered all of his short term goals relating to regular classroom speech over the summer! He is really taking off!

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