Apr 28, 2010

we're #1!!!

The Special Olympics were today. Alden got 1st in the 50 Yard Dash and the Softball Toss, he got 2nd in the Soccer Kick. I'm really proud of him. They had little booths set up so the kids could do crafts and get their faces painted between games. He made a picture for his Hugger (one on one volunteer) and he got a Smiley Face painted on his cheek. He hated having it there and peeled most of it off before we even got home. It was a great day.

There is a walk locally next month to raise Awareness for Disabilities if anyone wants to go let me know and I'll get you the info. They have invited a lot of political representatives to the event and want them to see the amount of people we have with disabilities here so they will realize how few resources there are. Everyone I know has to hop the TN border or go to ATL to get proper care for their kids who have Special Needs. There also aren't any programs to get them integrated into the workforce which needs to happen ASAP especially with the rate of autism being 1 in 98.

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