May 28, 2012

Checking in with Alden mid-2012

I try to do this every so often so I can keep track of what he liked. Sometimes his answers surprise me

Color: Yellow
Song: Happy Happy Joy Joy
Book: Clash of Kings (This is actually what I am currently reading but sometimes he wants to hear part of it for bedtime. I skip the bad parts when reading to him.)
TV Show: Angry Beavers
Movie: The Lorax
App: Angry Birds Space
Website: Google "so I can look at anything!"
Videogame: Super Smash Brothers
Toy: Star Wars Lego Kits

May 15, 2012

tiny update

The school year is winding down but they have packed as much as possible into the last few weeks.  I've been to the Special Olympics, a field trip, and Field Day in the past few weeks.  Our school photo for spring finally arrived and it's adorable of course.  I just wish I'd known Alden wanted to do a sitting pose because I dressed him in jeans with ankle socks so you can see his ankles in the photos.  Which is no big deal, just kind of funny.

Everyone has been impressed by his academic performance this year.  Especially since the teacher he had last year wasn't a particularly good teacher.  His learning plateaued last year but this year he's been doing amazingly well at catching up.

We'll be doing a lot of fun projects this summer.  Lots of science experiments and arts and crafts things. I'll try to remember to post them here.  We'll also probably go on at least one "get away" and do some local fun things too.  I really want to go to LegoLand this summer, so hopefully we'll be able to do that soon.

I hope everyone else is enjoying the end of their school year!