Nov 23, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Ten

Batman Elf toilet papered the tree!

Nov 22, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Nine

Batman Elf & friends decided to camp out.

Roasting Marshmallows!

Nov 21, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Eight

Batman Elf managed to get out the tree and put it up (with the help of Prudence).

They appear to have had a little trouble with the lights though!

I couldn't resist getting a shot like this but I was scared they might catch fire so it was just for fun!

Nov 20, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Seven

Batman Elf made Alden a Scavenger Hunt!
The Letter!

The prizes he'll find at the end: Lucy from Peanuts paint set & magnet, Goofy Burger we stashed from our trip to Disney this summer, Coraline by Neil Gaiman, and a Donkey Kong action figure.

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Six

Batman Elf falls in with a bad crowd.
(Sidebar: I hate wrestling & had nothing to do with the purchase of any of this stuff).

Nov 19, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Five

Batman Elf got into our craft stash & covered himself in stickers!

Nov 17, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Four

Batman Elf and Darth Vader have a snowball fight!

Nov 16, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Three

Batman Elf made himself at home by making a bed and a sleepmask.

Nov 15, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day Two

hanging out with his Dino friends. (before he wakes up tomorrow I'm going to turn the dinosaur on so Batman Elf is riding him around the living room while we get ready for school)

The Adventures of Batman Elf: Day One

Day One: Batman Elf goes ZipLining!!!

Close up!

Note from Batman Elf! It's inside the envelope next to him & written with my opposite hand since he knows my writing.

Nov 14, 2011

The Adventures of Batman Elf!

Today our darling little Elf on the Shelf (known as Batman Elf) fell out of the closet, in his box. I decided to hurry and put him in the livingroom while Alden was in the bath so that he could appear suddenly out of nowhere. I mostly did this out of fear because I was scared Alden had or would see him. After this happened I of course started freaking out because last year we only had Batman Elf for 17 days and I had a terrible time finding places to put him. Thanks to Pinterest that will not be a problem this year. I have over 50 ideas which I wrote down in a notebook of things to do with Batman Elf which is good because I think we'll have him for about 40 days this year! I have decided to chronicle Batman Elf's adventures every day with a photo which I will try to remember to upload to this blog.

You can get your own Elf on the Shelf to start your own tradition with here! They also have them on Amazon but I like to support bookstores when I can since I have an E-Reader now and rarely buy hardcopies anymore.