It's been a while since I last updated, I would say I've been busy but that's only partially true. I've also been lazy.
Alden is really thriving in his new classroom this year. I think it's partly due to being in class with kids older than he is and partly because his teacher this year is a good teacher. I'm going to call her next week sometime to schedule his IEP meeting for next month because I think she's realized as well as we have that he's far surpassed the one that his old teacher made him at the end of the year last year. I haven't gotten ONE phone call about him being rude or violent and I honestly think that last year he was just acting out because he was bored out of his mind. This year they are trying not only to teach him but to challenge him and I am SO pleased. Moving him up to the older class was definitely the best choice for him.
Not only does he come home with work he's done every single day in class, they are letting him go to the library every day as well. He chooses one or two new books to bring home each night. We read them after he gets off the bus because I told him "homework before computer time" and the computer is always where he always wants to be. He really is enjoying the books and reading them with us though, he doesn't seem to mind doing that before he gets to do his "fun" activities.
Speaking of books I think after he gets out of school today we're going to see if he wants to go to the bookstore or the comic book store. He's been doing so well he really deserves a treat (which we call "Alden is Awesome Day").
Tomorrow we send back his communication device. I'm happy to say that he does seem to have picked up some new language from it, which is great. He also let us know with it that he TOTALLY knows how to spell bad words. (Thanks again YouTube!)
We have now completely put a block on YouTube during the hours between school & bedtime so he can't watch any of their videos. He just kept finding horribly inappropriate stuff dubbed over really sweet cartoons. Parental block & safe search didn't seem to do anything filter-wise so we just had to block the entire thing. I made it re-direct him to Poptropica so he wouldn't whine because he loves that site.
The other day when he was getting off of the bus his driver gave him a still wrapped Fig Newton. He looked at it like "uh, I can't have this" and immediately handed it to me. It's so nice to see that he is actually aware of what he can and can't have to eat.
That's pretty much all we have going on right now. He's doing great and I couldn't be more proud of him!